Home » Steps To Preserve Independence As We Age

Steps To Preserve Independence As We Age

May 18, 2022

On this Independence Day, I think about how important it is for seniors (or almost seniors) to preserve their independence. Healthy aging and how to age successfully are foremost in many of my client’s minds. These steps can help you as well as seniors in your life.

Steps To Preserve Independence As We Age:

  1. Home safety and accessibility: Take a look at the home environment and make it free from hazards that could lead to injuries.   Also think about outside surfaces as you enter, trying to achieve level areas. Remove the area rugs and put in grab bars.
  2. And speaking of preventing falls: The falls can be the beginning of the end. Balance problems can be common as we age due to physical or neurological conditions or frailty. Walk more deliberately and slower. If necessary use a walker or other device It’s more important to prevent a fall than to be vain about appearances.
  3. Exercise and nutrition: I can’t tell you how many people I see who are struggling with everyday activities and losing their freedom because of lifestyle choices they made along the way. Some things we have no control over but making good lifetime decisions goes a long way to keeping you healthy and strong.
  4. Socialization: The best way to combat isolation, loneliness and depression is to socialize and be around people. Senior centers, community clubhouses, arts activities like museums and concerts and other activities in your community are very important aspects to overall well-being. Go to classes or group games. This will also provide excellent mental stimulation.
  5. Accept help when needed: Accepting help is not a sign of weakness. Rather, it is a way of being in control of your life. Refusing help can be foolish and lead to disability and dependence or institutionalization after an injury or illness that could have been prevented.
  6. Prepare financial and legal documents such as wills, trusts, powers of attorney etc. One of the main purposes of elder law planning is to prepare for financial freedom and autonomy through proper financial planning and long-term care options. Make sure you have current legal documents and have a financial plan in place to manage long-term care needs. Discuss with us about Medicaid and other programs and options that may help you finance long-term care. Keep all you important papers including current accounts, medical information, passwords etc, in one place where they can be found.
  7. Have open discussions with family: Talk with your support system and loved ones on how to make decisions about your care or health. If you are able to, name a person as Power or Attorney who knows and will follow your wishes. Put it in writing.  Don’t be shy about communicating your end-of-life wishes. This will help others during times of stress or crisis to make good decisions on your behalf.
  8. Bring in the team: There are many professionals in the field of eldercare who can help you through difficult or confusing times. These include social workers, doctors, nurses, elder law attorneys, financial advisors, patient advocates, placement experts and  geriatric care managers. You may be facing an overwhelming web of options or needs, and the right professionals can help you through it all.

Let us help with you or your family  as they proceed down the aging journey.

Do you have any other ideas for maintaining independence?  Email me at alice@florida-elderlaw.com

Enjoy your 4th –   Alice

(954) 726-6602

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10101 W Sample Rd Suite #200
Coral Springs, FL 33065



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